New NerveJam track on SoundCloud [Isolation]

July 20, 2022 NerveJam 0

The Isolation EP has spawned another track. Isolation itself. NerveJam · Isolation (Isolation EP) NerveJam · Isolation EP It’s a creepy soundtrack to a […]

New Releases Update

June 14, 2022 NerveJam 1

Things have not gone smoothly with the release of my remastered versions of my back catalogue.. So far, I have had to resubmit a couple […]


May 21, 2022 NerveJam 0

I know I’ve been saying this since November, but I actually HAVE made some progress on remastering and editing my original three albums. The first […]

New NerveJam track on SoundCloud.. [Viral]

March 15, 2022 NerveJam 0

This is an early version of “Viral” from the upcoming (honest) “Isolation EP”. See also: NerveJam-Ugly