Make Your Blog Pay For Itself!


In February 2012, there were 156 MILLION blogs* in existence. There’s no doubt that this figure will be much higher today. Today’s web users look to the web and in particular the blogosphere for quality, up-to-date information.

Cover Your Costs

Providing information and relevant links that your visitors actually read, AND getting paid to do it.
This is surely the ultimate goal of anyone who owns their own blog?
Even if you are only covering the costs of running the site: Domain Renewal (About £10/Year), and hosting costs (this varies but can be considerable, but lets say £30 as an example), it’s worth doing. That’s assuming that there are no maintenance costs i.e. you fix any problems yourself. If you need to pay someone to fix a problem, then you could be looking at megabucks!

How to get paid

You could try the following:
Banner advertising – beware “banner blindness”
Affiliate special offers – make sure they’re relevant.
Guest Posts – See below:


Further Information

You might want to try: This post on Mashable
* Source: Wikipedia (